I Am Not A Fortune Teller

One of my favourite things in this world is the Tarot. Now, when you think of the Tarot, what images come to mind? A head-scarf-wearing fortune teller, living in an old, horse-drawn caravan, traveling the land, predicting the future of desperate, gullible people? As much as I appreciate the aesthetic of the fortune teller, this really isn’t an accurate representation of the Tarot; nor is it an accurate representation of the practise of divination at large.

First and foremost, I want to make this known: I am not a fortune teller! I have learned, in my near seven years of reading Tarot cards, that trying to predict the future is, honestly, a bit foolish. The future is not set in stone. Even as a practitioner of Astrology, I do not believe we are fated to anything, not Truly.

I do, however, believe that we are always receiving invitations from the Universe, and that tools like Astrology and Tarot can help us become more aware of these invitations. But whether or not we accept said invitations is up to us. Other factors, beyond the notion of ‘destiny’, come into play: both life circumstances and free will.

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